Saturday, December 17, 2005

Jingle Bells Hidden Message

This is excellent. Merry Christmas to all.


Thursday, December 15, 2005

The One

This is Sam. He & I flew out on a couple of hours notice to Milwaukee to work with a customer. I've been up all night... he's gonna take over around 7am. Fun stuff. Anyway, Shyam is damn good developer and a hell of a nice guy. He was given an award recently & they superimposed a picture of him on Neo's body. Very funny. He's known as THE ONE.

The One

Is it 7am yet?


Monday, December 12, 2005

Animated GIF

A little animated GIF of my son can be found here. And another one here.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Tom Yum Goong

This is a bit hard to see, but there were some really nice shrimp in there. Not used to having the heads on, but it turned out to be one of the best bowls ever. Guidelive has a review of Jasmine Thai.

Tom Yum Goong

Here's a picture of mama.

Little Cousins

My brother-in-law & family recently visited us for Thanksgiving. We really had fun with them & Noah got quite attached to his only cousin. His wife sent me these pics.

Here's a shot of them in his boat.


And one of me taking a picture of the both of them with big old Maggie headless.


Have a nice weekend.


Thursday, December 01, 2005

Halloween 2005

We had a halloween party again this year. It was attended mostly by our friends with kids. Our neighbor was overheard suggesting to some of our other friends that they sneak out and get away from the kids. That so friggin' pisses me off. We won't be inviting her to any more parties. I'm 38 years old & have had plenty of booze-em-up Halloween parties. I still made the killer Chatham Artillery punch, a fresh keg of Shiner Bock, and plenty of other booze. What were they expecting, a bunch of naked people???

Anyhow, on to the pics. Thanks for bearing with me.

In the middle of town, where buildings stand tall, There lives a little man called Fireman Small...

Fireman Small

Noah and his Nana Davis still in his jacket.

Nana and Noah Halloween 2005

In his Steeler overalls given to us by "Ponytail Scott", the #1 Steeler fan. Hugging on a girl as usual.


And finally pajamas and sombrero... I have one of him pushing his lawn mower also in the sombrero, but I didn't think that was PC.


A few of the playroom. That old TV was the wife's when I met her in college many moons ago.


As far as lack of posts, I'm just out of it right now. I'll be back.