Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Houston Pics

We were in Houston for a funeral, so I really didn't get out to take too many pics. We did get out once to take my son to the park & burn some energy. We went to Tamarac Park in The Woodlands. This park is behind the elementary school I attended & it has a special place in my heart. This marker dedicated in 1984 tells the story of the lumber mill town that once was here. (click for a larger size with readable text)

Tamarac Park Dedication Sign

We were there for about an hour & everyone had a good time. Fun with mom tells it all.

Fun with Mom

Noah was everywhere & I took a lot of pics of him of course.

Climbing up to Slide

He even got my brother into the act. He rode down to Houston for the funeral & it made the trip a little easier.

Tom and Noah

This random kid came up & started playing with Noah.

Noah and Kid

He was this little guys brother from what I could tell.

Noah and Little Kid

The fun continued...




My brother did get a little carried away with the fun. (I yelled at him for doing this!!!)


Yes, there were some animals around too.




After we left the park we went for lunch at James Coney Island and had many hot dogs.


When we were leaving my brother had to do three things at once. (drink, smoke, talk)


After we left we saw this massive shoe at the red light. Noah got quite a kick out of it. I'm imagining the stink.

Red Shoe Crew

Enjoy Life.


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