Monday, January 16, 2006

Caddo Lake State Park

We took a short trip to Caddo Lake State Park last weekend. The weather was pretty nice on Saturday, just a bit cold in the morning. It was a beautiful sunrise.

Caddo Sunrise

Some Cypress knees.

Caddo Cypress Knees

Cypress and moss.


A Cypress with beaver teeth marks. In certain areas, all the Cypress trees were eaten like this. The park manager told me he thought it was beavers. I don't know what else it could be.


A few folks were doing some canoeing.

Caddo Canoeing

The entrance to the trail system.

Caddo Trail Entrance

And a couple shots of an unidentified bird. (I'll update as soon as I know)

Caddo Bird

Caddo Bird

It was a fun trip and I can't wait to get back in the springtime. Here's the full set on flickr.


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