Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Frisco Sculpture Garden #2

The same day we went to take Bluebonnet pictures, I made the wife drive through the Texas Sculpture Garden in Frisco. I did an earlier post on it. I couldn't get her to get out & walk around... we were to beat from earlier. I want to go back & do funny pics in front of the statues. My wife hates getting her picture taken, but she's getting used it it with the new Nikon D70.

A big fish that appears to be eating a house. Sorry, no names. Click on the picture to see all sizes at


This one reminds me of flowers. The iron petals opening towards the sun.

Iron Maiden

This could be a piece of office equipment.

Big Metal Thing

People dancing? These were scattered across the lawn.


Is this a Kingfisher? I need to get out of the car & go read the signs. They have the artist & piece name.


This is either some people standing or a bunch of guitars in a corner, I can't decide.


Ok, we all know what this looks like. Wife thought it looked like Marie's sculpture from Everybody Loves Raymond.

Vulcan or Vagina

A Horned Toad... I love it.

Horned Toad

Next time I'll actually get out of the car & shoot the signs in front of each piece.

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