Monday, January 30, 2006


Common birds, but I actually don't have too many shots of them. I saw this bird on Sunday morning after a walk through Spring Creek Forest Preserve.

Cardinal One

Cardinal Two

Cardinal Three

Monday, January 16, 2006

Caddo Lake State Park

We took a short trip to Caddo Lake State Park last weekend. The weather was pretty nice on Saturday, just a bit cold in the morning. It was a beautiful sunrise.

Caddo Sunrise

Some Cypress knees.

Caddo Cypress Knees

Cypress and moss.


A Cypress with beaver teeth marks. In certain areas, all the Cypress trees were eaten like this. The park manager told me he thought it was beavers. I don't know what else it could be.


A few folks were doing some canoeing.

Caddo Canoeing

The entrance to the trail system.

Caddo Trail Entrance

And a couple shots of an unidentified bird. (I'll update as soon as I know)

Caddo Bird

Caddo Bird

It was a fun trip and I can't wait to get back in the springtime. Here's the full set on flickr.


Friday, January 13, 2006


The sunset last night was amazing. I should have walked inside the house & got my D70. And moved away from the power lines.


Watch out for the Harley rider.

Blurry Harley Rider

Okay, here's one in focus but still in very low light.

Harley Rider

Have a nice weekend. We are headed to Caddo Lake State Park. Maybe I'll get some decent pics. It won't be this sunny, but maybe I can get some decent scary looking black & white pics.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Spring Creek Workday

Last Saturday I went to a workday at Spring Creek Forest Preserve. I've blogged about the preserve before and that's where 90% of my nature pictures last year came from. I was a few minutes late & not prepared for work. It ended up being more of an education & walk, with a few folks doing some real work towards the end. I personally just took pictures & provided moral support. Next time I plan to bring my gloves & get dirty. They are planning a big event the 1st Saturday of March to clear about a 1/4 back to prairie. They will need help, so if you are interested just visit the website for details or show up early on March 4th.

Jim Varnum and a burr oak. (Quercus macrocarpa)
Jim Varnum and Burr Oak

Below J. Rubrecht chops down some privet!
J. Rubrecht chops down some privet!

The full set is here.

The preservation society has a website with directions to the preserve.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Porkchops or Briskets

Just browsing the SFA Math website & ran across this picture of one of my old professors. I don't think you can call these pork chops. I would say they are closer to briskets.


Maybe he thinks he's Leonardo?

Happy 2006!


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Soler Arrested

According to the DMN the grafitti artist Soler was arrested. I mentioned him here last March.
